Thematic Investing: Adapt and thrive
Do you like scoring wins based on know-how that other investors don’t have (yet)? Thematic Investing allows you to invest in themes that are near and dear to you.
We provide you with the needed support so your favorite theme can become more than just a matter of the heart, but rather a chance to adapt an thrive.
- Smart Farming & FoodTech
- Smart Healthcare
- Robotik
- E-Commerce
These are just a few of the major structural trends that could change our everyday lives: changes that are coming about due to the rapid progress that our society is going through. In short, these changes are affecting every dimension of our lives: environmental, demographic, socio-economic, as well as behavioral.
These profound changes won’t spare the economy and the corporations within it. Accordingly, many investors are asking themselves:
“Who will benefit from these changes?”
The main goal of Thematic Investing is to anticipate changes and take advantage of them, in order to identify today possible structural winners of tomorrow – as early as possible.
The greatest success beckons companies that are winning with flexibility
Find out which thematic investments we can offer you at Vontobel, and what market observations and considerations we incorporate into the selection of thematic equities.
Investment Outlook
Three growth paths in a multi-challenging worldFind out more about Vontobel’s baseline scenario and discover three long-term investment themes such as “financial repression”, “slowbalization” and more.
Thematic Investments in focus
Wellness & Health
A growing industry, influenced by demographic changes, technology trends and many other developments. The expected growth of the industry is currently at 5–10% p.a.
Mankind’s water consumption is increasing inexorably. But how much water is actually of drinking quality?
Smart Farming & FoodTech
The world’s population is expected to grow to 9.8 billion people by the year 2050. With this growth will come an increase in demand for food.
The Era of Robotics
Companies from many different sectors are pondering investments in robotics and automation technology.
Cloud Computing
Data processing in “the Cloud” has become an engine of innovation, efficiency and globalization.
NextGen Brands
Strong brands are intangible assets that enable a company to achieve a dominant market position.
Smart Healthcare
Digitization is also revolutionizing the healthcare system and should increase efficiency on the one hand while reducing costs on the other.
The conceptual base for thematic investments is our proven Megatrends Model. They allow us to think outside the box when looking at individual thematic areas. In turn, it is possible to systematically grasp interrelationships and dependencies.
Did you know?
Diversification is the basis
Thematic investments are suitable for building on an already diversified portfolio. However, they are less suitable if you are only initiating diversification.
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Even the smallest undertaking starts with a conversation.
Megatrends are the way to go when it comes to applying your own assets in harmony with your values. Would you like to take advantage of megatrends? We would be happy to advise you on this.
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All information and opinions expressed in this material were obtained from sources believed to be reliable; however, no guarantee can be made as to their accuracy or completeness. All information and opinions were correct at the time of writing of this report and are subject to change without notice.