Investments that make an impact: Battery recycling to fuel greener e-mobility

Insights, Nachhaltige Wertschöpfung, Technologie
12/23/2020 Reading time: 1 minute(s)
Blick auf eine E-Tankstelle im Parkhaus. «No Parking»-Schilder legen die Frage nahe: Sind E-Autos wirklich nachhaltiger?

The market for electric vehicles has one crucial flaw: tons of unsustainable, environmentally harmful batteries. The solution is now being built in the Nordics

Electric and hybrid cars are expected to account for 90 percent of the global market for lithium-ion batteries by 2025. But what happens to the millions of used batteries when these cars reach the end of their lives?

A report on investments in battery recycling that will enable a sustainable shift from fossil fuels to electric vehicles.