Next come the “supercycle” years?

7 facts about climate change and pollution that have an impact on investors

Insights, Nachhaltige Wertschöpfung
5/21/2021 Reading time: 1 minute(s)
Beispiel zum Thema «Supercycle Investing»: eine Kläranlage zur Wasser-Reinigung (fotografiert von oben)

The coming decades are likely to become a “supercycle” for investments in clean water, lifecycle management, and more. © Getty


Unsettling reports from climate researchers and the scenario of an increasingly uninhabitable world have startled the public. Heat waves, hurricanes, unmatched wildfires and droughts are now more frequent. Polar ice melts and sea levels rise.

Here you will find seven facts about the root causes and how impact investing can mitigate them.