“Smart diversification is your antidote in uncertain times“ — live stream #11

Livestreams, Coronavirus, Vermögen & Vorsorge
20.05.2020 Lesezeit: 1 Minute(n)

Thomas Petschnigg, Senior Investment Manager at Vontobel Wealth Management, explains “smart diversification” and answers questions from the live stream audience

Fortunately, not all asset classes are affected to the same extent during crisis like these. Learn, why “smart diversification” allows you to stay invested even when the risk of a recession becomes top of mind – and with it the risk of panic selling.

5 key questions at a glance:

  • What does it mean to long term investors to regularly face risks of adverse “unknowns”? What do they all have in common whether they are of economic or non-economic nature?
  • How did annual returns of key asset classes like “money market”, “sovereign bonds”, “corporate bonds”, or “gold” perform since 2004? And what can long term investors learn from this performance?
  • How has smart diversification helped to soften portfolio drawdown and volatility in the last few months?
  • Why is staying invested a prerequisite for a favorable long-term investment outcome?
  • And how can it lead to absolute positive returns in the long run despite regular negative event risks and recessions?


What to expect in this 30' replay video: Follow a Q&A session on “successful investing in uncertain times” with Thomas Petschnigg, Senior Investment Manager at Vontobel Wealth Management. © Vontobel, recorded on May 20th, 2020, 2 p.m.


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Thomas Petschnigg

Senior Investment Manager

Thomas Petschnigg ist stimmberechtigtes Mitglied des Investmentkomitees von Vontobel Wealth Management. Er hatte in den letzten 20 Jahren verschiedene Positionen in der Finanzindustrie inne, zuletzt etwa bei der Credit Suisse oder Union Invest. Thomas Petschnigg ist CFA Charterholder und besitzt einen MBA der European Business School in Oestrich-Winkel, Deutschland.





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