Promoting art and integrating it into our everyday lives is a part of our corporate culture. We collect works of art from the area of contemporary photography, which we display on our premises, and support young artists by helping them realize new projects.



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A collection of contemporary photography

Admittedly, photography accounts for a relatively small proportion of all artwork produced, but is nevertheless a central, pictorial medium of communication around the world, one which opens up rich and exciting works of art. The camera was originally envisioned as a device that would capture and preserve reality for eternity. Photographers quickly began to use the medium as a subjective means of expression, moving away from pure documentation. The liberation of photography from its classical application began in the mid 20th century with its emergent mediatization, which paved the way towards artistic expression. The breakthrough came in the 1980s and 90s, as the acceptance of the medium as a legitimate means of artistic expression increased and free photography began to appear in art museums and was sold on the art market.

Today, artists use techniques from across the near 200-year history of photography, from analog, large-format cameras to smartphones, screenshots, and moving images. Likewise, the newest technological means of visualization from computer sciences and information design, such as virtual reality or computer generated imagery, are also a part of the artistic practice of photography. Through a variety of methods, pictorial worlds are created using various visualization and viewing techniques, in order to obtain new perspectives on the present. Artists take the time to see, to research, to think, and to question. The end result is a visual work, which offers us an attractive invitation: to consider the artist’s perspective, to be amazed, to discover new things, and to see differently.

The new Vontobel Art Collection gathers works from international artists created from the year 2000 onwards. The focus of the content is on the presentation of humanity and our actions in the present: what faces does the contemporary person wear? What does society look like? What conventions are in place for representing people? How has the image of the person changed in the last 20 years? What influence does globalization have on the images of people? And from another perspective: what do these people produce and how? What actions do they take and how do these actions influence our world, our planet? How do new technologies and accomplishments change the visual world retrospectively? With the decisive, but open question: where does humanity end?




A New Gaze

“A New Gaze” is a sponsorship award for young contemporary photographers. Vontobel gives out the award every two years, each time enabling an international artist to implement an idea for a project from its conception through to the exhibition and exhibition catalogue.

The award is geared towards young artists at the beginning of their careers. Before each call for submissions, Vontobel selects a continent and a topic. With the help of experts from the local art and photography scene, we invite 50 to 100 nominees to submit an idea for a project. A jury decides on the winning project, which the artist can then realize with the support of the curator team within 18 months. The award comes with a grant of CHF 20,000. In addition to this sum, we finance the production, exhibition, and publication of the work. The project culminates in a publicly accessible exhibition at the Vontobel Headquarters in Zurich.




Vontobel Art Talk

Exclusive conversation with artist Emmanuel Van der Auwera and HEK Basel Director Sabine Himmelsbach on Friday June 9, 2023 to celebrate the opening of new exhibition:

Beyond Photography

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22 Rising Stars for 2022

Le lauréat de "A New Gaze 3", Dongkyun Vak, a été sélectionné par le magazine Wallpaper* dans sa série annuelle présentant quelques jeunes talents du monde entier à suivre.

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«A New Gaze 3»

Le prix de cette année est consacré au thème "La responsabilité à l'ère de l'anthropocène". L'exposition "Heatwave" du lauréat Dongkyun Vak sera inaugurée le 20 mai 2022.

En savoir plus


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Installation view, Frank van Der Salm, “Zürich”, 2019. © Conradin Frei

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Installation view, Barbara Probst, “Exposure #117.09: N.Y.C., Collister & Hubert Street, 11.03.15, 2:31 p.m., 2015”, 2019. © Conradin Frei

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Installation view, Kyungwoo Chun, “Face of Face 6”, 2017. © Conradin Frei

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Installation view, Thorsten Brinkmann, “Supra”, 2015. © Conradin Frei

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Installation view, Stéphane Couturier, “Les Nouveaux Constructeurs, Sète – Pont Sadi-Carnot n°2”, 2018. / Kurt Caviezel, “Heaven”, 2016 © Conradin Frei

La collection d'art de Vontobel remonte au début des années 1970, époque à laquelle Hans Vontobel (1916-2016), passionné d'art, créait une commission artistique. Composée d'autres amateurs parmi les collaborateurs, la Commission a lentement mais sûrement constitué une collection d'œuvres d'artistes suisses.

2015 a marqué le remaniement de la stratégie de collection et la création d'un service spécialisé, «Art Vontobel». L'équipe a été complétée par des professionnels du secteur, qui ont mis en place un petit département dont la direction s'inscrit désormais dans le cadre de la responsabilité d'entreprise. La décision de concentrer notre engagement sur la photographie contemporaine d'artistes suisses et étrangers a marqué le début d'une nouvelle ère. Depuis lors, notre intérêt s'est porté sur cette discipline, conférant à la fois à notre collection et au prix «A New Gaze», que nous décernons à de jeunes artistes contemporains depuis 2017, une orientation claire, contemporaine et visionnaire.

Les amateurs d'art au sein de notre entreprise continuent à être représentés au sein de la Commission artistique de Vontobel et ainsi à peser sur les processus décisionnels. Urs Stahel, curateur et expert renommé de la photographie zurichois, quant à lui, laisse son empreinte sur la collection et sur les projets en sa qualité de conseiller. La commissaire en chef de «Art Vontobel» est Georgina Casparis.

Art Vontobel Team

Georgina Casparis Curator Art Vontobel
Anna Konstantinova Project Manager Art Vontobel
Urs Stahel Advisor to Art Vontobel

Members of the Vontobel Arts Commission

Andreas Utermann President Board of Directors, Chairman of the Vontobel Art Commission
Maria-Antonella Bino General Counsel
Peter Dietlmaier Head Corporate Communications
Thomas Heinzl CFO
Francesco Tarabini Castellani Head Clients EMEA Vontobel Asset Management
Christian Schilz Head Corporate Responsibility
Jean-Pierre Stillhart Head Vontobel Wealth Management DCH

Promoting art has always been a part of our corporate culture. We firmly believe that art and culture are important, even indispensable, agents of a functioning society, which allow the development of experimentation with many practical and theoretical approaches to producing art. We want to support these creative methods of thinking and producing. It is art that affords us a new perspective as observers, that challenges us, or simply delights us. Works of art enrich daily life, enable dialogue decoupled from the day-to-day working routine: a change of perspective. By exhibiting and collecting works of art, we wish to create an inspiring environment with long-lasting value for our employees and our customers.



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